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PS3 4.30 CFW Released Enjoy new games with FW upto 4.30 without any Eboot fix. If you had previously fixed 3.55 CFW games Replace those fixes with original Files/Eboots/sprx
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Saturday, 27 October 2012

Rogero PS3 CEX CFW 4.21 v1.09

Click For Info:

v1.09 Details and Changes
- Compatibility problem with some Slim models (CECH-25xx) is now fully fixed.
- XMB Icons problem from in-game PS button is now fixed.
- Loading games from App_home Icon is now fixed.
- Many other fixes from version 1.00 for a better performance and added stability.
- It was tested by hundreds of testers on all PS3 models (FAT & Slim) and no problems were encountered.
- It can run games signed with Keys up to version 4.21 without any Eboot/Sprx patching needed
- Games can be loaded from Disc Icon (with Original game in BD) and from app_home (Disc-less, but not all games).
- Current 3.55 homebrew applications can't be loaded on this CFW, applications must be re-signed properly for FW4.21.


1- This CFW doesn't have LV1 checks disabled and can't be installed on Downgraded PS3 consoles unless you have Dehashed/Reset Syscon Properly (if you're not sure about your PS3, Dehash it anyway to avoid any risk) Link ----> Dehashing Tutorial

2- Always make a NOR/Nand dump using multiMAN or memdump before installing any CFW to have a recovery backup in case of any bricks.
Having a valid NOR/Nand dump is an essential step before upgrading, because you will always have a way to recover (using hardware flashers) when you have a valid dump.
** A Hardware Flasher alone without a valid dump cannot fix your bricked PS3 **

3- The QA flag must be always Enabled on your PS3 for safer upgrading/downgrading operations. Link ----> toggle_qa.pkg

4- Always use the Recovery Menu while installing this CFW to avoid possible bricks (XMB update works, but Recovery Menu is safer).

6- Please Check the MD5 of the downloaded PUP file before installing any CFW to avoid possible bricks.

7- DO NOT HAVE DISC IN PS3 WHEN UPDATING FIRMWARES..As the PS3 will take the UPDATE from the DISC First.

8- You need to already be on 3.55 to install this. Installing from any firmware other than 3.55 will simply not work

- Downgrading back to 3.55 is always possible using the following steps :
- Download the 4.25 downgrader PUP ---> 4.25 Downgrader Size 176MB (184,595,263 bytes) MD5: 49d80e07fc1f5ca1b0840e02e94635db
- Rename the downloaded file to "PS3UPDAT.PUP" and put it on your USB in: "USB\PS3\UPDATE\PS3UPDAT.PUP"
- While on Rogero CFW4.21, go to System Update from XMB and install the 4.25 downgrader CFW.
- Once installed, now put "Rogero CEX-3.55 CFW V3.7" on your USB in: "USB\PS3\UPDATE\PS3UPDAT.PUP" ---> Rogero CEX-3.55 CFW V3.7.PUP
- Start the PS3 into Recovery Menu and install "Rogero CEX-3.55 CFW V3.7" (from Recovery Menu, this is important)
- Once the install is finished, you're now back on Rogero CFW3.55 v3.7 (from here it's better to dehash again before installing any other OFW/CFW 3.55)

- Updating from CFW4.21 v1.00 to the CFW4.21 v1.09 should be done using the following steps :
1- Proper Way ( CFW4.21 v1.00 --> CFW3.55 --> CFW4.21 v1.09 )
---- Downgrade back to ver3.55 using the guide above.
---- Once on Rogero CEX3.55 v3.7 you can update again from Recovery Menu into the new CFW4.21 v1.09

2- Alternative Way ( CFW4.21 v1.00 --> Recovery Menu --> CFW4.21 v1.09 )
---- You can try updating from CFW4.21 v1.00 to CFW4.21 v1.09 from Recovery Mode first.
---- If it didn't work, then you'll have to use the first Proper Way ( CFW4.21 v1.00 --> CFW3.55 --> CFW4.21 v1.09 )

Rogero 4.21 CFW v1.09 Realeased
Install Original 3.55 FW
Install 4.21 CFW

Dont Install 4.21 OFW, Install 4.21 CFW Directly on 3.55 OFW

Use flasher to install this if you had a Downgraded FW PS3

How To Download: 
Download Files By Copying the Link and paste to Browser. Or Select Link press Right-Click, select goto link(In chrome) Would Be different in other browsers.
After open the link, wait 5sec, Press Skip Ad at the top right. Download file.

For Torrent Download:
Click On Link and Torrent will be downloaded automatically.
Open torrent file with your favourite torrent client(Like uTorrent).
Note: Downloading files using any of the downloader will help you download files faster and easily.


 Rogero 4.21 CFW v1.09
Install Original 3.55 FW
Install 4.21 CFW

Dont Install 4.21 OFW, Install 4.21 CFW Directly on 3.55 OFW

Important Downloads: - Direct Link - Click Image


4.21 CFW
4.21 Rogero CFW

If you Like it Please say Thanks!


  1. can i install on cfw 3.55 kmew??

  2. Yes but it would be better to install it on 3.55 OFW, ist install 3.55 OFW on 3.55 CFW then install 4.21 CFW


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