Disclaimer: Install with caution and follow instructions. No one will be held responsible for any damage caused.
Note: You need to have a USB stick with a capacity of atleast 512MB.
Note: This tutorial assumes your using Windows OS, however, you will still be able to use this tutorial on any other OS so long as you find a good MD5 checker that is compatible with your OS.
Note: Always perform MD5 checks!
Note: Remove all discs now!
Note: Disable internet connection!
Note: Using the usb port closest to the Blu-ray drive is recommend, although not mandatory.
Note: Removing spoofers is recommended.
Note: Sony seems to be banning cfw users. Stealth mM will not cover you, so at this point, avoid using PSN.
Note: Below are two seperate tutorials. Use the one that suits you.
4.30CFW Rogero v2.05 - 91fb63b42b9d3e24a29478a71524de64
3.55CFW Rogero v3.7 - 8f8166b25d6bed891f292c77de5c4b28
Rebug Toggle_QA - FB11BEC5A0DDE6600BAEE0CC36742D54
multiMAN ver 04.20.00 BASE CEX (20130220).pkg - 4A09D3DBA38EBE79C4B4CF547DA36DE5
multiMAN ver 04.30.00 UPD CEX (20130324).pkg - 2A218022187C981E38858A3ADBCB6916
Showtime ver 04.03.100 - 0A95692A343AB1FB447994AF0799332B
MD5 check utility v2.31 - E5A1A4A431C25A1D8B2428066487FC45
How to check MD5 check sums - Very important
Start the MD5 check utility.
Copy the relevant MD5 code and click paste in the program.
Click on browse and select the file you want to verify.
It will then start checking.
Results: "The codes Match" - if it says this, then the files are good(Comes Out in Green Color)
Note: If it says the codes do not match, then do not use that file!, transfer again and run another MD5 check. If it fails again, re-download the file.
Step 1 - Preparing USB stick (format)
Connect your USB stick to your computer.
Go to my computer, right click on removable drive and click on format.
File system = FAT32
Allocation unit size 32kilobytes
You can quick format or full format, up to you.
Then hit format.
Step 2 - Preparing USB stick (folders)
Create a folder called PS3, within that folder create a folder called UPDATE.
So it will be like this - USB\PS3\UPDATE\
Step 3 - Transfer MultiMan, Showtime, and Toggle_QA.
Copy and paste them to the root of the USB stick. (Eg USB/multiMAN ver 04.20.00 BASE CEX (20130220).pkg)
Step 4 - Installing MultiMan, showtime, and Toggle_QA
From XMB (ps3 menu), scroll over to games section and click on install packages.
One by one click and install all.
First install multiMAN ver 04.20.00 BASE, then multiMAN 04.30.00 UPD, showtime and Toggle QA
Step 5 - Dehashing
Now go to the game section in XMB.
If you scroll down you should see Toggle_QA.
Click on it, your screen will go black and it will reboot(restart) into XMB.
Now go to network settings, don't click into it, just hover or highlight over it.
Then all at once press the following combo - L1 + L2 + L3 (press left stick) + R1 + R2 + dpad_down
You should see Edy Viewer, Debug Settings, and Install Package Files if done correctly.
If you do not see it, run the Toggle_QA program again until you see it.
If you made it and see those settings its Done.
Step 6 - Nand/Nor backup (skip if you already have a valid backup)
Note: You need to have atleast one PS3 game on your HDD.
Note: If you do not, you can either FTP a game to it or you can run multiMAN, insert any original PS3 game, hover over the game and press triangle, then click copy.
Note: Once you've created that backup, take out the disc and proceed with the tutorial.
1. Insert a FAT32 formatted USB to the right-side port of your ps3 and run multiman.
2. After it loads , start file manager/mmOS ( its an option that is there in Multiman)
(NOTE: shortcut to start multiman's file manager SELECT+START)
If a file manager is not open, click on PS3 root.
3.when using file manager , go to to /dev_hdd/GAMES/* any game u have*/
( example: /dev_hdd/GAMES/CODBOP2/)
and open the PS3_DISK.SFB file(or the param.sfo file of the game) by pressing 'X' 2 times on it.
4. after u open the .SFB file u can see a lot of numbers ,shown in a hex-decimal form,
as shown in the image
press SELECT and u will get a LV2 View.
5. when on LV2 view press start , (that is after we pressed select in step 4.)
6. you will then get a message " Do u want to export GAMEOS LV2 memory to a file",press no, then it will show a message asking " Do u want to export HV LV1 memory to a file" say no for this as well, and then u will get a 3rd message asking "Do u want to export FLASH memory to a file" say yes to this.and it will start the dumbing process.the dumb will be saved to the root of ur usb.
7. you can now exit multiman, disconnect the usb from ur ps3 and connect it to your pc,
and inside the USB u can find a file named 201***FLASH-NOR-FW.3.55.NORBIN (if ur ps3 has NOR) or 201***FLASH-NAND-FW.3.55.NANDBIN( if ur ps3 is having NAND).
Transfer nand/nor back up to your computer and keep it safe.
Step 9 - Transfer 4.30CFW Rogero v2.05
Plug USB into your computer and save your nand/nor backup at a safe place on your computer.
Then quick format USB & recreate PS3/UPDATE folders. (step 1 & 2)
Copy and paste Rogero_CEX_4.30_v2.05.PUP into UPDATE folder.
Rename Rogero_CEX_4.30_v2.05.PUP to PS3UPDAT.PUP
Now run MD5 checks on it, very important!
Make sure there is still no disc in BD and that no internet connection is available.
Plug your USB to your PS3.
Then go to recovery mode
Install CFW
You should run "Fix Permission"(Once) after installing CFW for the previous games to run without any trouble.
Torrent Include:
* Rogero CFW 4.30 v2.05
* Rogero CFW 3.55 v3.7A(For OFW)
If you are on 3.55 OFW then install this CFW 1st then perform the above steps
If you downgrade from 4.25 to 3.55 then use this Only
* Rogero downgrader (4.25 to 3.55)
Use this if you want to go from 4.30 back to 3.55. Even though it says it's for 4.21, it does work for Rogero 4.30.
* toggle_qa
Only for 3.55 CFW. Install and run this ONLY on a console that hasn't previously had toggle_qa run on it. It helps if you want to downgrade later.
* Condor Updater 3.1
Makes it easier to get in to Recovery Mode.
(Install Condor pkg to go to recovery mode by running this app)
* DeanK's installPKG( You dont need it)
Separate Downloads:
Rogero 4.30 CFW v 2.05 OR Rogero 4.30 CFW v2.05
multiMAN ver 04.20.00 BASE CEX OR multiMAN ver 04.20.00 BASE CEX
Toggle QA OR Toggle QA OR Toggle QA
multiMAN ver 04.30.00 UPDATE OR multiMAN ver 04.30.00 UPDATE
Showtime 04.03.100 [CEX] OR Showtime 04.03.100 [CEX]
MD5 check utility v2.31 OR MD5 check utility v2.31
3.55CFW Rogero v3.7 OR 3.55CFW Rogero v3.7
USe Rogero 3.55 CFW v3.7 only If you are on 3.55 OFW or not sure what your CFW IS.
The above steps will work fine on Kmeaw 3.55 CFW users no need to install this CFW.
Short Steps: (Keeping that you are on Kmeaw 3.55 CFW)
1. Install multiMAN 4.20.00 Base
2. Install multiMAN 4.30.00 updt
3. Install Showtime 4.03.100
4. Install Toggle QA
5. Dehashing(See above)
6. Making NAND/NOR backup(See above)
7. Installing Rogero 4.30 CFW v2.05(Install from Recovery Menu recommended)
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